Facial Expression Amplifier
Design and implement an app using facial expression detection API
3-week design sprint
Tools: Processing
I designed and implemented an application using Processing and Javascript that will read my facial expression, detect my emotion, and display a real-time overlay on my face to amplify or exaggerate my expression. The purpose is to have fun and make myself or others realize my emotion with a better read of my expression.
What the program does
In this project, I explored facial recognition and integrated it with Processing. I researched and leveraged some facial recognition API to build an app using this technology. For example, face-api.js can help do facial recognition and detection with some JavaScript code. I also learned to write code in p5.js so my code is compatible with the javascript library.
Once I could do facial recognition in Processing, I developed a simple app for expression recognition. Some closest friends of mine used to tell me that they found me having an angry expression but I myself did not realize it. This app will read my facial expression via the laptop camera, and amplify my expression by displaying a matching overlay in the real-time camera image. I hope to make it a starting point for me to better understand my expression :)
Technical features
In this project, I explored and used below technical features of Processing
Connect to computer hardware components, like the camera
Integrate with an external custom library or API
Write Processing code in p5.js which is a javascript
Use text, emoji, and images to give feedback to the user about expressions detected
Use arrays and for loops to store and iterate through the data
Final Demo
Try it yourself at Open Processing! https://openprocessing.org/sketch/1028018