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  • A research project that focuses on identifying opportunities and expanding the process for creating strategies to apply design interventions to affect positive change

  • Team of 4 designers

  • Tools: Figma, Adobe Suite

StrategyLab stands as a cutting-edge healthcare campaign platform. Our diligent research during the COVID-19 pandemic revealed critical pain points, particularly in effective communication between legal departments, such as agencies, government, CDC, etc., and each individual citizen. Our mission is to apply our strategic design approach to prevent the recurrence of such challenges in future crises.

Our Initial Objectives

1. Historical Perspective:

In retrospect, the 20th century was marred by the devastating impact of smallpox, as documented by the World Health Organization (WHO). This viral scourge alone claimed an astonishing 300-500 million lives. Moreover, in an era preceding the development of the polio vaccine, over half a million people worldwide endured the horrors of this debilitating disease annually, with outcomes ranging from fatality to lifelong paralysis. It was during this tumultuous period that the lifesaving power of vaccination emerged as a beacon of hope, offering humanity a chance to thwart the grim grasp of infectious diseases.

2. Contemporary Challenge:

Fast forward to the present day, and a new challenge threatens public health - vaccine hesitancy. This phenomenon, characterized by reluctance or refusal to embrace vaccines, undermines the remarkable progress achieved through vaccination efforts. Not only does it deprive individuals of the protective benefits of immunization, but it also places entire communities at risk by impeding the formation of critical herd immunity. The severity of this challenge has been magnified by the global COVID-19 pandemic, which has cast a spotlight on the urgency of addressing vaccine hesitancy as a central part of our collective response.

3. Information Dissemination Challenges:

During the pandemic, the rapid pace of scientific discovery introduced a complex challenge: the need to efficiently and accurately communicate evolving information to the public. Scientists diligently produced a constant stream of research findings as they deepened their understanding of the virus. Yet, organizations and healthcare authorities faced the formidable task of translating these complex developments into understandable and actionable guidance for the public. This dynamic environment occasionally led to communication missteps, exemplified by the incident in which a CDC representative made a controversial statement on television, suggesting that "the virus does not affect the vaccinated."

4. The Crucial Role of Widespread Vaccination:

In the face of these challenges, the significance of widespread vaccination as a solution to ending the current pandemic and returning to a semblance of normalcy cannot be overstated. It stands as our most potent weapon against the virus. To confront vaccine hesitancy and ensure we do not repeat the tragic mistakes of the past, we must collectively recognize the gravity of this situation and take swift, unwavering action. Embracing vaccination is not merely a choice; it is an opportunity to safeguard lives and build a more secure and hopeful future for all.

Problem Diagnosis


There have been numerous reservations and doubts surrounding COVID-19 vaccines, with the most common ones centering on the perceived haste in their development, fears of potential side effects, skepticism about the scientific evidence supporting them, and a preference for relying on natural immunity. These concerns have given rise to vaccine hesitancy and, in some cases, have pushed individuals toward embracing anti-vaccination views.

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The below diagram illustrates a major problem in how we talk about COVID-19. It shows that we are not sharing information effectively among different groups, including the public, government, technology, insurance, industries, and the environment.

In this complex network, there are issues with how we communicate. This can cause confusion and make it difficult for all of us to work together to combat COVID-19. People might struggle to find the right information, and governments may not always explain things clearly. Technology and other tools may not always fit our needs. Insurance companies and businesses may have trouble understanding the risks involved. Sometimes, we may even forget to consider the environment when discussing COVID-19.

To address these communication problems, we urgently need better and more coordinated information sharing. Improved communication strategies should aim to bridge these gaps, provide accurate and timely updates, and promote collaboration among all parties involved in managing the COVID-19 crisis. Clear and honest communication can help build trust, empower individuals to take the right actions and ensure a more unified response across different sectors.

In summary, the diagram highlights the crucial importance of recognizing and fixing these communication issues in our response to COVID-19. Strengthening how we communicate is vital for effectively managing the pandemic and protecting public health.

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Contextual Research

We delved deeply into past news stories and the sentiments expressed by people on social media at various points during the pandemic.

In the initial phase, marked by significant uncertainty, the government had not yet defined the level of threat, intensifying the prevailing confusion. Later, during the lockdown period, additional concerns, especially related to mental health, began to surface.

With the onset of the new year and the inauguration of a new administration, a sense of optimism emerged, largely due to the introduction of vaccines. However, these hopes were shattered for many as doubts surrounding the vaccines and the growing political divide cast a shadow over the situation.

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We were fortunate to have the opportunity to engage with seven public healthcare experts, each contributing their distinct insights and experiences to our conversation. While their backgrounds and viewpoints varied significantly, it was remarkable to discover a shared consensus among them regarding the principles of effective communication with the public.

During our informative discussion with these experts, several important ideas consistently came up:

  1. Clear and Simple Communication: All the experts agreed that it's crucial to communicate in a clear and easy-to-understand way. They stressed the need to avoid using complicated language or terms that might confuse people. Making health advice easy for everyone to grasp was seen as highly valuable.

  2. Being Honest and Open: Another thing they all emphasized was being honest and open. They said that trust is built when we are transparent about the things we don't know or when there are challenges in public health. They stressed the importance of sharing accurate and up-to-date information and admitting when there are gaps in what we know.

  3. Tailoring Messages: The experts also talked about the importance of tailoring messages to different groups of people. They said it's essential to understand the unique needs and concerns of various communities and adjust how we talk to them.

  4. Using Reliable Sources: Lastly, they were all on the same page about using reliable sources of information. They emphasized that healthcare professionals, scientists, and public health authorities play a crucial role in providing accurate and trustworthy guidance to the public.

In short, our discussion with these experts highlighted their shared commitment to effective communication in public health. Their key principles are clarity, honesty, tailoring messages, and relying on trusted sources. These ideas can help us do a better job of sharing important health information with the public.

How the CDC currently employs various tools to assess the efficacy of its communication strategies:

  1. Survey Tools: The CDC utilizes survey platforms like SurveyMonkey and Qualtrics to collect public feedback. These tools facilitate the swift creation and dissemination of surveys, with real-time analysis of responses.

  2. Social Media Monitoring Tools: For monitoring social media discourse about their messages, the CDC relies on tools such as Hootsuite and Sprout Social. These tools enable sentiment analysis, engagement tracking, and trend identification in real time.

  3. Analytics Tools: To gauge website traffic and user behavior, the CDC leverages analytics tools like Google Analytics. These tools help them measure the impact of their website content and make necessary adjustments to communication strategies.

  4. Media Monitoring Tools: The CDC employs media monitoring software such as Meltwater and Cision to keep tabs on media coverage of their messaging. These tools track mentions, analyze tone and sentiment and identify influential figures in the media landscape.

  5. Email Marketing Tools: For disseminating email newsletters and updates, the CDC utilizes email marketing platforms like Mailchimp and Constant Contact. These tools provide insights into open rates, click-through rates, and other metrics, enabling the assessment of email communication effectiveness.

The CDC employs a comprehensive toolkit to evaluate the performance of its communication strategies. They continually assess and refine their approaches based on data and feedback, ensuring that their messaging remains effective and responsive to evolving needs.

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Insight Generation

It is difficult to convey accurate information to the public in a way that is both understandable and not overly complex.


The challenges of balancing the amount of information provided to the public, as too much can lead to confusion and misinformation, whereas too little information can lead to the misconception that they are hiding information. Also, it needs more coordination and consistency in messaging across states and every other organization to clarify the messages.


However, communication should be equitable, not equal. We must recognize that people are different and use tailored languages to effectively communicate the same meaning to different communities.


By leaving no room for misinformation to take hold, could we prevent it from being created and spreading in the first place? 

How might we empower healthcare organizations to communicate effectively with the public and mitigate vaccine hesitancy?

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We have included a diagram to illustrate the CDC's communication strategy. It involves disseminating information via social media and raising public awareness through TV, radio, print, and other digital media such as email newsletters. Then they collaborate with different platforms to track metrics across different channels.

In the below waveline, the red line shows the challenges of the CDC current strategy. They are required to develop all messages and distribute them across various channels by themselves, the messages lack diversity and are not customized enough for their target audience, it is also hard to measure the effectiveness of the communication. All these lead to uncertainty in the approach. 

The blue line shows how our solution addresses the pain points. We help auto-generate various messages with only the essential information from CDC. Messages will be customized for the target groups and delivered to them via proper channels while tracking their reactions. Through our metrics reports, CDC can understand the effectiveness and impact of the messages, and adjust their follow-up messages accordingly. Our one-stop solution relieves the difficulty of targeted communication and brings more confidence in communication effectiveness.


At first, our approach to combat vaccine hesitancy involved directly addressing misinformation. However, we came to realize that this approach alone was insufficient. It's crucial to delve deeper into understanding why misinformation is created and trusted in the first place, as it doesn't address the underlying causes of vaccine hesitancy.

In reality, constantly bombarding hesitant individuals with false information might, over time, make them more committed to anti-vaccine beliefs. To address this confusion, having a unified message is crucial, but it's equally important to customize that message based on the unique characteristics of each group to make a meaningful impact.

By taking this approach, we can rebuild trust in authoritative sources and reduce the reliance on other sources that promote confusion and doubt. By ensuring there's no space for misinformation to thrive, we can proactively prevent its creation and spread.


Consider COVID-19 as an example. The CDC's primary objective is to disseminate accurate information and promote vaccination to mitigate the impact of COVID-19. We strongly believe that the development of a dedicated platform capable of generating visually engaging and easily comprehensible messages, tailored to specific audience segments, could significantly boost vaccination acceptance rates.

Drawing from the successful principles of our automotive optimization system, our proposed platform will swiftly gather user feedback and reactions, allowing us to adapt our communication strategies in real time. This adaptable approach forms a continuous feedback loop, automatically fine-tuning our messaging to suit evolving needs.

Here are the compelling advantages of our system:

  1. Authentic Engagement: Our platform provides a genuine and effective means to connect with diverse target groups. By tailoring messages to resonate with specific demographics, we enhance the authenticity and relevance of the information, making it more likely to be accepted and acted upon.

  2. Analytical Insights: Through an advanced analytics system, we automate the collection of user feedback and responses. This invaluable data allows us to make data-driven adjustments to content, ensuring that it aligns with user expectations and preferences.

  3. Tailored Messaging: Recognizing that different audiences have unique needs and concerns, our platform excels in crafting tailored messages. This personalization fosters a sense of connection and understanding, making it more likely for individuals to embrace the information presented.

In essence, our system offers a dynamic and responsive approach to communication, particularly in the context of critical health matters like COVID-19. By leveraging authentic engagement, real-time analytics, and personalized messaging, we are poised to make a significant impact in promoting vaccination and ensuring that vital information reaches the right people effectively.

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This diagram illustrates the operational process of the system.

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Our platform is primarily intended for legal departments, including agencies, government entities, and organizations like the CDC. They will utilize our platform to disseminate messages to various specific user groups. In response to their inquiries, we will create visually engaging messages tailored to each group.

This process forms an ecological loop where, based on user reactions and our analysis, the system will automatically fine-tune content and strategies to maximize the effectiveness of these messages.

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How do all these systems integrate into a service blueprint that takes into account the user, AI, platform inputs/outputs, and additional channels such as partners, social media, and advertisements? The diagram below illustrates the interconnected relationships among these various parties and how they collaborate as a cohesive and comprehensive system.


Design Wireframes

Below, we demonstrate the user experience as individuals utilize our platform to create content and engage with design features, ultimately sending tailored messages to specific groups of people.

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  • Creating User Personas and Crafting Visual Messages by answering inquire questions

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The process of generating visual messages, collecting user reactions, and subsequently adapting content based on user feedback involves the following steps:

  • Create Visual Messages: We start by designing visual messages tailored to specific target groups.

  • Gather User Reactions: Once these messages are distributed, we collect feedback and reactions from users.

  • Analyze User Feedback: We carefully analyze the gathered feedback to understand how users are engaging with the content.

  • Adjust Content: Based on this analysis, we make necessary adjustments to the content to improve its effectiveness and relevance.

This process ensures that our visual messages continually evolve to better serve the needs and preferences of our audience.

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Video Prototype

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